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Historical Critical Contingency Events & Notices

This page is used to publish information including notices, updates and reports relating to historical critical contingency events and exercises. For information relating to a current Critical Contingency Event refer to the Current CC Events page.

25/09/2024 - Critical Contingency at Mt Maunganui

A regional critical contingency was declared affecting the Mount Maunganui gas gate after a blockage of the gas supply inlet. The following Reports and Notices were issued for the event:

15/05/2024 - Exercise Hanguru

The CCO conducted the annual industry exercise to test the Firstgas Critical Contingency Management Plan. The exercise scenario involved unplanned gas production outages following an earthquake. This required non-regional curtailment of Bands 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4 consumers.

The following Report and Notices were issued for the Exercise:

10/05/2023 - Exercise Karaka

The CCO conducted the annual industry exercise to test the Firstgas Critical Contingency Management Plan. The exercise scenario involved damage to the Firstgas Bay of Plenty pipeline resulting in a significant gas escape. This required a curtailment of Bands 3 to 6 consumers in the affected area.

The following Report and Notices were issued for the Exercise:

15/02/2023 - Potential Critical Contingency - Gisborne Pipeline

The CCO posted the following notices for a Potential Critical Contingency situation affecting the Firstgas Transmission Pipeline near Gisborne.

29/01/2023 - Potential Critical Contingency - BOP Flooding Impacts

The CCO posted the following notices for a Potential Critical Contingency situation affecting the Firstgas Transmission Pipeline at Te Puke.  

18/05/2022 - Exercise Atiru

The CCO conducted the annual industry exercise to test the Firstgas Critical Contingency Management Plan The exercise scenario involved the failure of the Kaitoke compressor station restricting the flow of gas south during peak demand due to bad weather. This required a regional curtailment down to band 4 at a list of affected gas gates. Subsequently the bad weather affected power in Taranaki leading to a loss of two gas production stations, requiring a non-regional curtailment of large consumers in bands 0-2 and the exploration of opportunities for additional gas supply.

The following Report and Notices were issued for the Exercise:

23/03/2022 - Potential Critical Contingency - Oaonui Outage.

The CCO issued the following notices for a Potential Critical Contingency situation arising from an outage at the Oaonui Production Station.

05/05/2021 - Exercise Waru

The CCO conducted the annual industry exercise to test the Firstgas Critical Contingency Management Plan on 5th May 2021.

The following Report was issued for the Exercise:

06/05/2020 - Exercise Hohoro

The CCO conducted the annual industry exercise to test the Firstgas Critical Contingency Management Plan on 6th May 2020.

The following Report was issued for the Exercise:

08/05/2019 - Exercise Matatau

The CCO conducted the annual industry exercise to test the Firstgas Critical Contingency Management Plan on 8th May 2019.

The following Report was issued for the Exercise:

09/05/2018 - Exercise Paparua

The CCO conducted the annual industry exercise to test the Firstgas Critical Contingency Management Plan on 9th May 2018.

The following Report and Notices were issued for the Exercise:

10/04/2018 - Potential Critical Contingency - Production Outages

The CCO issued the following notices for a Potential Critical Contingency situation arising from unplanned gas production outages.

23/05/2017 - System Imbalance Event

A non-regional Critical Contingency was declared following a breach of the Kapuni​​ Gas Treatment Plant pressure threshold caused by an imbalance between supply and demand on the Transmission System.

The following Report and Notices were issued for the Event:

11/04/2017 - Exercise Interface

22/06/2016 - Exercise Kakama

24/05/2016 - Unplanned Production Station Outage

A non-regional Critical Contingency was declared following a breach of the Kapuni​​ Gas Treatment Plant pressure threshold caused by an unplanned outage at the Pohokura Production Station.

The following Report and Notices were issued for the Event:

24/06/2015 - Exercise Validation

25/06/2014 - Exercise Evolution

20/03/2013 - Exercise Tawiri

03/03/2012 - Pohokura Outage

25/10/2011 - Maui Pipeline Outage

13/07/2010 - Pohokura Outage

Critical Contingency Operator

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